Friday, November 1, 2013

Banned Book Assignment

Due: Thursday, November 7th

  • Part 1: Read a book from the Banned Book List (or another approved Banned or Challenged Book)
  • Part 2: Complete a minimum of 10 reader response journals. As you read, note what scenes and comments could cause the book to be banned. Take notes using a Dialectical Journal (see page 42 in The Language of Composition).
  • Part 3: Research why the book was banned, including if the book was banned for certain age groups. Make sure you read sources that support the banning of the book as well as those that support the book.
  • Part 4: Write a 2-3 page paper with your local school board as your audience. Using the scenes you've identified, argue if you believe the literary work should be banned or not. Your thesis should address your perspective of the age appropriateness of the work. Your paper should also address why the groups who have challenged the book are wrong or are right.

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