Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Are You Lovin' It?

We are about to begin reading Fast Food Nation.
Over the last several decades, fast food companies have aggressively targeted children in their marketing efforts. Is it possible that fast food companies—like tobacco companies—are recruiting increasingly younger consumers in order to insure a steady customer base as their older constituents die from heart disease, diabetes, and other obesity-related disorders? Should advertisers be permitted to target children who lack the sophistication to make informed decisions and are essentially being lured into eating high fat, high calorie food through toys and cute corporate mascots?


  1. In my point of view, advertisers should not be permitted to target children who lack the sophistication to make informed decisions and are essentially being lured into eating high fat, high calorie food through toys and cute corporate mascots.

    First of all, fast food has bad effects on children's bodies and routine lives. Junk food will cause school work to suffer. Diet has a significant effect on children’s study habits. Junk food and foods with high-sugar content deplete energy levels and the ability to concentrate for extended periods of time.

    The artificial taste of junk food is thought to be addictive and children used to spicy junk food may have trouble adjusting their palates to relatively blander healthy foods. Junk food also increases the possibilities of being obese and getting fast-food-related diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease, as they are getting older.

    In moral aspect, advertisers of fast food shouldn't take advantages of children's ignorance about the bad effects of the fast food to make huge profit from them. They are immature and need correct instruction on their way of growing, instead of instilling wrong habits, such as eating fast food regularly. Even though it is not written in the constitutional laws, adults are responsible to ensure a healthy environment for young kids with nice food and good education to become qualified citizens.

    In short, advertisers are not supposed to make benefits of fast food by alluring to young children with fantastic but insufficient information.

  2. I personally do not feel like advertisers should be permitted to target children as their primary target for their ads because at a young age while a child’s mind is developing, they won’t know any other information but what they see or hear. These fast food companies know this because they center their marketing strategies on what will appeal to children the most.
    Fast food chains often appeal to children with their kid’s meal toys or their fun and happy mascots in commercials, magazines, and any other advertisement but what they don’t include in these advertisements is the negative factors that come with eating fast food. They do not mention how eating these greasy, high calorie foods will cause heart disease, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol which can potentially be fatal if not treated properly.
    Instead of encouraging children in their ads to eat healthy, they instill unhealthy foods like triple-cheeseburgers, wings, or French-fries as the normal and traditional all American foods. These fast food chains know that children are the future and instead of encouraging the upcoming generation to be healthy and fit, they are encouraging them to look forward to having all these health problems at the benefit to their pockets.
    I think that the government should be able to regulate these fast food marketing campaigns to include warnings similar to those seen in cigarette ads so that if children see this warning they will be discouraged from eating fast food and seek a healthy alternative.

    1. I agree with Yundai’s and Jacqueline’s thoughts on fast food. A substantial amount of fast food restaurants do especially target children and their parents who buy the product because it comes was with cute toys and quick and easy meal for their kid that’s cheap. Just because it’s cute, less time consuming and cheap doesn’t mean it good for your health. These companies do this because they want to make a profit, that’s their main goal and what they’re out there to do. Because if they don’t make a profit doing what they do would eventually clasp, however they want to survive so this is the mentality they have. Thus also if they can get the younger people to get hooked on their food it’s better for them because when those people get older their kids will be hooked also with an almost never end cycle of money flow over the years to come. The big problem that all this is causing is the food is not good for people all the time the ways people try to make it; such as causing heart disease, diabetes and other obesity-related disorders which are very bad because you’re sickening and killing the next generation of people and children to come. This topic has a lot more to it than you would think at first look about whether advertisement of such is targeted at children… This is because it flows into the issue of their right to advertise, make a profit in their trade and their livelihood; against the health of people who are choosing to eat the food of their own free will, even if that’s their only opposition. So being that I can’t quit answer that question, the best advice I can give is hopefully the parents can take a stand and teach the kids to eat healthier to prevent these health problems almost all together.

  3. Fast Food companies should not be targetting young consumers under any circumstance. It does not matter if the company needs more consumers they should not be aiming for a younger crowd. Fast food companies should be ashamed of this strategy, I feel like they should be exposed. Just how they advertise how good the food and how "freshly made" it is, they should inform the people about the amount of oils and greases that are put into these food as well as all the preservatives that are put into these "freshly made" burgers and fries. People should be more aware of what they're eating, but how are they to do so if they are uneducated about the situation, especially children. Children are very young, naive and innocent. They are extremely unaware of what goes into their food and Fast Food companies know this. Another completely unacceptable tragedy they use are mascots. Mascot such as Ronald McDonald are used to lure children in with their friendly smiles and their likeness for children, but it is all just an act. Young people should learn to cook from their parents and start making healthy home cooked meals for themselves and their families for a longer better life.

  4. In response to Yundai, Jacquline, and Lilian.

    I agree with all your points completely. Fast food chains shouldn't gear their adverts towards children in an effort to manipulate them. Especially when they are far too young to have established any form of proper judgement.

    However, instead of pinning the blame solely on these restaurant chains, why doesn't the parent seem to share any in this whole dispute? While yes it is the cute little My Little Pony dolls or the action packed Lego affiliated toys that the boys and girls love, as well as company mascots that are intended to be ingratiating for children and lure them into a greasy nightmare. Let us not forget that parents have a HUGE say in what their child can and can not eat. A child simply does not take it upon themselves to go to a fast food restaurant on their own, and order this food. It is the parents that's allowing them to consume copious amounts of unhealthy food that will ruin their health and leave them horizontally challenged.

    Nowadays we live in a nation that's surrounded by gluttony and fat-packed foods. And while yes these billion dollar businesses are trying to lure young consumers in with their not so happy meals, only to reek the benefits in the forms of a giant paycheck. You cannot simply say that they are making the child eat this food. Trying to appeal to them, yes, but it's the parents that actually make the order and put this food in front of their children.

    Before we go attacking McDonald's and Burger King execs, why don't we start dealing with this attack at home. Encourage parents to instill better eating habits in not only their children, but themselves. A child will generally follow after whatever it is their parent does from an early age. And when they see them scarfing down a Big Mac every day they only think that it's right, fun toys or not. And it wasn't even always like this. "Back in the day", fast food restaurants weren't a place that was frequented by consumers on a day to day basis. Families mostly ate their meals at home and went out to places like that on occasion. And even then there were fun mascots and toys that the kids loved. Parents in this day and age are growing lazy when it comes to their children, as we've seen with our past issues on topics such as cyberbulling. It's a lack of attention to these pressing issues that are causing these kids grief. Perhaps if they become more active in their kids' lifestyles, they themselves can gear them in the direction towards having better eating habits and leading healthy lives with moderate indulgences.

    All in all, I believe that while fast food chains shouldn't try to manipulate children to purchase their products. It should be taken into account that the parent has the final say on whether or not their child will even be able to eat said product. And I think that means a lot in relation to the health of the younger generations that will simply grow up and teach their kids those habits, who will then do the same to their kids. It's a vicious cycle that, like charity, begins at home.

    1. I have to agree with Ebony.

      Blaming fast food companies will not stop these issues that are occurring with children. Fast food companies are simply trying to reach different target groups, by advertising toys from upcoming children movies and creating cartoon commercials, which if I do say so myself is a very smart tactic to draw in younger customers. Although they should not be blamed fully for children that eat these foods. Parents deserve equal, if not all the blame because they are the ones that are buying these greasy, unhealthy products. A child cannot go to an establishment and walk up to the register and be like "Hey dude I want a Mighty Kids Meal", they'd need a parent to be with them, so therefore the parents are acquiescing the child to these foods. Though some might argue that it is easier and faster to hand a child a burger, due to over packed schedules, it shows laziness on the parent's behalf. Is the easier way out more important than the child's present and future health? Instead of taking the effortless way out, they should be taking their child's health as well as their own into consideration. Parents set examples for their children, like the maxim "like father, like son", the child will follow in the parent's foot steps, because that is what they are taught from a young age. So if a parent doesn't want their child to grow up with that type of lifestyle then they should not go out and buy them a kids meal, so it'll be easier for them.

      Blaming the fast food companies will not justify anything. These companies are trying to earn a profit, larger paychecks, by utilizing marketing skills. They are like any other company that are trying to sell products for the benefit of the company. Parents on the other hand are the ones that initiated this cycle, it's they're investment that led to the growth and expansion of these companies and such controversial topics. So blame fast food companies as much as you wish, but the real problem lies on the parent's method of raising their children.

    2. I agree with Ebony's statement. Parents do choose what their kids may or may not eat. They can teach their kids to eat healthy or unhealthy, it's part of a parents responsibility. Parent must teach their kids to eat healthy and avoid these fast foods as much as possible because of the consequences of an unhealthy life in the future and illness. However, just because the right choice is to teach their kids to always eat healthy, I believe a child should be treated to some fast food once in a while because it is very delicious. If parents cannot cook a healthy meal for their child because they do not obtain the time then they should buy healthy food for their children and not accustom their child to fast food regularly. You cannot blame a fast food restaurant for promoting and advertising the food they provide because they're tiring to make business and sell the food. That is how a business works. However, society and specially parents should influence their children to eat healthy not just because healthy food is better but also because in the future they'll obtain a better lifestyle, which they can also teach their kids and that way the number of people with diabetes, heart disease and other obesity related diseases can decrease in number as the generations pass.

    3. I agree with Ebony's argument. I strongly feel that in today’s world the number one target for fast food places are the children, and fast food enterprises do this through marketing. Target marketing on small children who can barely think for their self’s is an injustice, developing these foods, and toys for the future of the world, and their future consumers. As if they were raising animals in farms, starting at the earliest of ages they start to target them in the children’s shows, while that show is in adverts. Or building a playground on that local francize, in some towns that maybe the only playground for miles, ahead. The worst part of it is that the government is acting as a bystander who does nothing, and we know all too well what bystander do, they do nothing and let things happen. This should change while congress can alter the advertisement of these fast foods chains all of which kill millions by the year. Yet no one is to be blame for such a travesty. That is the baseness of our government. They should enact laws to protect the future of this great nation, through protecting our children, who are being targeted by these unethical companies.

  5. I completely agree with Ebony's response. Although a child contains a naive state of mind , not knowing which food is and isn't healthy for them is the responsibility of the parents'. If fast food restaurants cause heart attacks, high blood pressure, etc, then why would they allow their child to eat it? Referring to Ebony's response, parents' have a major role in what their child can and cannot eat. If they let their children eat food that will corrupt their diet, then why not be prepared for the consequences in the future?
    Owners of these fast food corporations cannot possibly care for people that eat their goods. As long as they are receiving payment then why should they? If people believe that fast food isn't healthy, show these corporations by refusing to buy their products. If enough people refused to buy from fast food corporations, this problem wouldn't be an issue. Instead, it is the complete opposite. United States citizens buy breakfast, lunch, and dinner from these places, supporting them in every way.
    This support leads to expansion. Restaurants such as MccDonald's and Wendy's will continued to be built in all of our nation. Is it wrong for these corporations to do this? Not at all, if they have been successful for this long, continuation will only result in more money. No one can actually say it is wrong to eat these foods. No one can say it is illegal for corporations to sell these foods. I believe my comments can be agreed with Ebony. Every fast food restaurant provides the amount of carbs, fat, etc in a product. People by these products carelessly and eventually begin seeing the physical outcomes.

  6. I personally believe that advertisers should be allowed to target whoever they choose in their commercials. They are spending their own money and have the right to broadcast whatever they want. I do not believe that its the fast-food restaurants fault that obesity has become an epidemic in this country. We all have the free will to make our own choices, and no one can force you to eat at McDonalds everyday, thats your choice.

    Sure too much fast food is not healthy for anyone, and it is sad that too many kids are becoming obese because they are eating unhealthy like, however it is not the responsibility of the fast food restaurants to keep the children fit and healthy. It is the responsibility of the parents of these children to teach their kids about healthy living. Parent should not given in to their kids demands, and they should be the ones deciding what their kids do and do not eat. The fast food industry has no control over children, but their parents do.

    You cannot put the blame on the obesity epidemic on the fast food industry, sure they may be solely working for their own monetary gain, but they are not using any kind of force to get their way. Anyone can make their own decisions, especially in what to eat, you can choose to not eat a fat and unhealthy meal at any chain restaurant, and just eat in the comfort of your own home.

    1. I agree with Pico the fast food companies should be allowed to target the children to sell their product. They are using their money to broadcast it and should be allowed to do so whether the children be allowed to eat the fast food being served at the restaurants is the responsibility of their parents. The parents have the authority over their children and can decide if their children will eat the fast food or a healthier food it is not always the companies fault the person consuming the food is also at fault. They have a choice to eat the food the fast food companies are not forcing them to they are only trying to convince them into going to them by using toys telling them that it's low calories as a way to appeal to them. The decision however belongs to the individual they know that the food is unhealthy, has high calories, and sugar. That it cause diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity you are allowed to choose other alternative restaurants to eat at it does not have to be fast food.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I agree with Fabrizio, Ebony, and Travon (and anyone else who said it is okay for advertisers to target children.)

      No one can say that fast food companies do not have the right to target a specific market with their advertising campaigns, even if they are capitalizing on children that do not know any better. As far as children are concerned, the maintenance of a healthy diet is the responsibility of their parents, not fast food executives. Some advertisements for fast food that appear on children’s networks are followed by public service announcements to get out and get active, so children are being urged by the media to maintain healthy lifestyles as well.

      Last I checked, young children typically do not pay for their own meals. They are not “working for their own bread.” A parent can deny a child’s plea for a Happy Meal and suggest something homemade instead. Even McDonald’s has healthier alternatives to fries, such as apple slices, and a parent can substitute milk for their child’s soft drink. A lack of parental responsibility is a huge factor in the growing epidemic of childhood obesity. Parents can lead by example and can possibly order those healthier alternatives in hopes that their children will follow suit.

      So yes, fast food companies should be permitted to target children because they are only advertising their products. Even some cartoons receive ratings that suggest parents to watch them with their children. Parents are responsible for their child’s diet because they are, you know, their children. Advertisements are not only promoting the consumption of fast food, but exercise and healthy lifestyles as well, so a parent cannot simply place the blame on the media. It is their responsibility to teach their children to make healthy and responsible decisions.

    4. I have to agree with everyone on this side. I think that fast food companies are acting well within their rights to advertise to vulnerable children.

      One point has to be made: no child is walking to McDonalds with their wallet to grab a McChicken. When I was younger, my Mom barely let me ride my bike down the street. No matter how much a child bothers a parent to buy McDonalds, it is the Parents' decision.

      I also want to relay an anecdote from "Supersize Me". In the movie, an expert was talking about the fact that children associate Fast Food places with happy clowns and toys. To solve this, the expert (jokingly) said that every time he drives his kids past a McDonalds he punches them in the face. Now his kids associate McDonalds with child abuse and won't want to go.

  7. Ebony’s response is exactly what I was thinking. The fast food companies have the liberty and the right to advertise to whomever they please. Yes, they might advertise with toys and mascots but the companies are attempting to make a profit. It is the parents who are giving the children the fast food. Young children don’t have the ability to walk themselves to a McDonald’s and order a Happy Meal. The new generations of parents are just, without better words, lazy. The choice of the parents of not wanting to cook a healthy meal is affecting their children drastically. Now this habit by the parents is going to become an addiction for the children when they are older. This debate is based on Choice. It is the choice of the parents to feed the children fast food.

  8. I personally believe that food companies are increasingly targeting young consumers to be their customer base because the "catch" that draws kids in. For example, McDonalds will show a commercial that contains a specific toy that kids will want but it will only come with a "Happy Meal". Although i do not believe that advertisers should be permitted to target children who lack sophistication to know what is right or wrong for them, they are the easiest to bribe. Having commercials that constantly show toys will drive the children to beg their parents for some fast food just to retrieve the toy.

    It is proven how brain washed kids have become just by the propaganda shown on television with the cute corporate mascots. For example, in the documentary "Super-Size Me" by Morgan Spurlock, he shows a couple of children a series of flashcards that contain famous figures. None of the kids were able to identify figures such as the presidents yet were quick to know the fast food mascots such as Ronald McDonald. Parents should be responsible for how they control their kids' random wants and needs for simple little toys. There should be alternative ways to please children with fun things they can enjoy will being fed healthy foods at the same time.

    1. i agree completley a childs brain is easly influenced making them for targeted espcially with these "happy meals"

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. As one of the major factors resulting in the growth and production of fast food industries, mass advertisement is considered a leading contributor. However, despite this truth, these fast food companies can not be held responsible for the unhealthy choices that parents or guardians make on the behalf of their children, children whom are appealed by the toys and activities that are portrayed in McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King advertisements. Although these fast food restaurants are trying to make profit from depicting comical forms of advertisements to allure younger customers, their profits are not acquired from advertisements that they invest millions on per year; they are attained as the result of a customer's choice to purchase the food. Fast food industries target the younger population, particularly young children because their minds are not mature enough to perceive nor show concern towards the detrimental effects that foods saturated in calories, fat, sugar, sodium, and cholesterol can have on the health of consumers.
    Fast food restaurants seek opportunities to attain credibility through the media in order to facilitate not only to facilitate children to be ignorant towards the health risks of these foods, but also for parents to ignore these risks. This is done by portraying commercials and paper advertisements with amusing and colorful themes and by granting discounts and coupons for food items. Take note that the cheaper the foods are, the more people buy. Ergo, the cheaper the foods are, the unhealthier, processed, and less wholesome they will be.
    As a result of coupons and price reduction for smaller kid’s meals, health issues such like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease are more common in less affluent populations. Hence, to support my argument for why mass advertisement of fast food industries should not be condemned, it is evident that even during times when the fast food culture was not as predominant, less affluent people were more likely to dine at fast food restaurant because it was and is still cheaper to do so. The reason why fast food industries emphasize greatly on their advertisement is due to immense competition. However, as they attempt to reap profits, they should try to advertise less to use part of the billions dollar investments on making some food items healthier for those whom have no cheaper alternatives of dining. This issue should enable parents and teachers to educate children in adapting healthier eating and lifestyle habits, as the fast food culture continues to prevail. From my perspective of the predicament, I partially agreed with Ebony.

  11. I believe that fast food avdertising should not target children.But it isn't very simple becuase a child is easly influenced therefore are the most targeted. As a country we already have a high rate of obsetity if we continue targetintg children the tolls of the fatty acids and high calories can take a childs life. a childs body is still deveoloping as they grow, it isn't fair if a fast food company imediately targets them. I'm not saying that a fast food company shouldn't target anyone but focus more on the adults then the younger children.A child at 12 years old should not be diabetic due to fast food or becuase "it looked tasty". If they do want to target children give more of a healthier alternative even though thats probably imposible for a fast food restrarount. In the end no matter what we do a fast food company will target everyone and anyone for the simple fact of profit for the company. Places like Mcdonalds or KFC or Taco bell for that matter always seek to get the viewer of the advertisment that is being shown whether child or elderly. Bottom line i believe they should limit to what they feed children or anybody of that matter. You can still be a fast food company with atleast a veggie burger or even a salad.

  12. i agree with Ebony's point of stating that not only should the huger corporations who try to target the children at young ages but the parents of theose kids who allow them to get influenced should have some fraction of a blame to their children eating such foods or being introduced to these foods. If parents really wanted to better their childrens lives by not gettin trapped into the arms of these advertisements or anything like that, they should tell them from the begining that thy dont ned that food and show them how unhealthy it is, even with its convincing toys or happy chaacters.

  13. I completely agree with Ebony's statement. It's not right for a fast food chain to easily brainwash a young child who is susceptible to being persuaded by simple things such as toys & cute mascots, because they haven't quite grasped the skill of being able to make accurate judgments. As these food chains to play a part in advertising to these children, so do the parents. Some parents subject their kids to these fattening foods by purchasing them for their kids & instead of feeding their kids something healthier, they ignore the fact that they provided their children with this fattening food and are quick to blame the fast food chains for this issue, despite them [the parents] playing a role in this situation. It is highly possible that fast food chains are aiming towards a younger audience & it's because they do it to keep their business enhancing. They know that kids love this kind of food & if they make the commercials more kid friendly & happy, they'll be susceptible to asking their parents to purchase them this food & once the parents give in to this request, their business will increase and it will be an on going cycle for years to come. They know that their older audience can't quite handle this kind of food anymore, so they focus on broadcasting it to the younger generation, because their body can process it for the time being.

  14. I believe that fast food avdertising towards children isn't creating any problems like child obesity, or diabetes. I know alot of my peers think that companies are trying to manipulate young children, but just because they eat their product doesn't mean that their health is in jeopardy. We need to remember that this fast food, NOT drugs. Your not going to see a young kid walk into a McDonald's, and order a Bic Mac, there usually with their parent. It's the duty of the parents to decide what their kids eat. As long as a chlid eats the fast food in controlled proportions then it doesn't harm their health, or their parents wallet. People say that the company shouldn't target young consumers, but they fail to realize that by getting people at young ages to buy their products, there business looks good, because of all of there young supporters. Big companies could care less of Little old grandma who can't finish a small cheeseburger, they care about little Johnny who can take down two whoppers with no problem. Putting more healthier alternatives could compromise there whole business by scaring off the customers with their new healthy selection. We were all kids once, and i'm pretty sure that if your mother came to you, and asked if you wanted a salad with no dressing, or a cheeseburger which one would you choose.

  15. I am of the firm belief that fast food industries are definitely marketing towards a younger audience. They try more modern, and hip ways of advertising, with colorful promotions, and appetizing angles to attract a matured demographic to their places of business. Parents bring their children to these establishments because they know it will please them, they don't have to worry about the stress of them having to cook, and most fast food products are fairly inexpensive. The fast food industry is blatantly aware of this, and takes advantage of this fact. They also know that children are less worried about the negative side effects of eating junk food that adults are very conscious about. Appealing to kids compensates for the amount of adults that are turned away because they are worried about calories, or know how unhealthy the food is. Most of what goes into deciding what children actually eat is what their parents judge is alright to eat. The parents pay for it, take them to the restaurants, and often glamorize eating at these places as a treat, or a reward. In reality, commercials for fast food marketing towards a younger audience are most impacted on adults, as they have the final say in what goes in their children's stomachs. Even if there were no kid-friendly advertisements, there would still be parents buying their kids fast food products, and they would still end up getting hooked because the food is so addictive. Ending child-targeting advertising would not end child obesity, nor put it anywhere close to dramatically reducing its numbers because parents will always buy their children junk food for one reason, or another. Parents should regulate what their kids eat, as well as promote exercise to balance out the terrible stuff they consume. Is it really the corporations that are so bad because they allow shady marketing schemes, and disregard common well being, or is it our own, for lack of control, and always coming back to fast food restaurants for more?
