Thursday, April 10, 2014

Argument Paper

From the list supplied in class, which topic have you selected? What are some research questions you have or information you will need to support your claim? Reminder: You may not select a topic that has already been chosen before you. If you do not select a topic by class on Friday, one will be selected for you! A word of advice-- select a topic you are passionate about!


  1. Replies
    1. Need to be more specific...this incorporates many issues.

    2. Should national environmental policy focus on developing more oil resources, or developing renewable energy sources?

  2. My topic is under sports and entertainment. The question is "Should professional sports leagues establish a promotion/relegation system that rewards strong teams from lesser leagues with promotion, while relegating poor teams to a lower division?".

  3. "Is male nudity rated at a different 'level' than femal nudity?" To thoroughly research this topic, I must ask what shows/movies have had male nudity and what has been their rating? Why is the female body marketed and advertised constantly but the male body not? What would be the reaction to more male nudity on television and film?

    1. You may want to broaden this. Perhaps varying standards for male body image vs. female body image in celebrities?

  4. Criminal Justice: Should children who commit certain crimes be treated as adults? If so, is there a lower age limit to this policy?

  5. TV and Film: "Why is the TV and Film industry considered so hard to break into?" I will have to find statistics such as the number of jobs currently available in the industry and projections for the industry's future job market. I can compare this to the number of college students earning degrees in film/television/communications. I will also need to find information like average writers per TV show, how long a person will work on a show/film on average, Writers Guild of America and Directors Guild of America standards, etc. to determine how difficult it is for newcomers to find work while competing with already established writers/directors/producers.

    1. I like the topic, but you'll need to find an arguable angle. This is more informative than something you need to take a stance on. Maybe something like the ethics of graduating students with a degree that is difficult to land a career in?

  6. My topic is going to be "Does the modeling industry bear any responsibility in providing healthy, realistic physical role models for young women?" I would like to counter that and say that the provide unhealthy and unrealistic views for young women. To research this topic I would have to ask how do they negatively influence their audience? Why are these such a problem for psychologically for young women? While also finding examples of how the modeling industry alters young women and their views on a realistic, healthy physical role.

  7. My topic is going to be "Does the modeling industry bear any responsibility in providing healthy, realistic physical role models for young women?" I would like to counter that and say that the provide unhealthy and unrealistic views for young women. To research this topic I would have to ask how do they negatively influence their audience? Why are these such a problem for psychologically for young women? While also finding examples of how the modeling industry alters young women and their views on a realistic, healthy physical role.

  8. My Topic: "Should music-sharing sites on the internet be outlawed?" & for information I could research music sharing sites that have been shut down, the statistics on who downloads music from these sites rather than actually purchasing it & how this affects the musician & it's producers.

  9. My topic is should people between the ages of 18 and 20 be allowed to drink adult beverages that contain a lowered alcohol content?

    1. You may want to broaden this to argue if the drinking age should be lowered.

  10. I choose marketing and consumerism. I will reaserch the effect that target advertisment has on the cultural bounderies and trends that were considered "taboo" in America's developing society. Exp: Interracial marriage in Cheerios commercial.

  11. My paper is going to be about whether children should be seen allowance or not based off their behavior

  12. My topic is under Race and Ethnicity. "How does the media perpetuate racial and ethnic stereotypes?" In order to fully do this I will have to look at how multiple races (i.e Black, White, Hispanic, Asian) are portrayed in various forms of media such as television, movies, and music. For my primary source I would conduct a survey amongst people asking their opinions of certain groups of people in the media vs real life.

  13. Counter-Culture Issues: Why have recent raves been shut down in the Orlando area? Was this action justified?

    1. You may need to widen this topic to beyond the Orlando area.

  14. Religion - Why is religion a topic that is not allowed to be discussed in public schools? Are students denied the right of not standing during the Pledge of Allegiance as their religion holds no strength in the school environment? A student studies their religion as well as textbooks. Will this alter the way they absorb knowledge ? Will it hold a positive or negative effect on learning? Why is church seperate from state?

    1. Religion is allowed to be discussed in public schools...not taught.

  15. education: purposes of public education, different pionts of views and how it affects our lifestyle and society.

  16. My topic is on the double standards of men & women ... "Are double standards towarss women unfair?"

  17. (had an issue with the internet) my topic is the comparison between the drinking age and the draft age

  18. Civil disobedience
    Is breaking the law for a cause justifiable?

  19. My topic: What should be done about racial disparities in the sentencing of criminals?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. My Topic:
    Religion: Are public school winter holidays still generally organized around Christian holidays rather than those of any other religions ? Argue for or against change in policy

  22. [Insert Excuses Here]

    I am going to write my paper around the right to die: Euthanasia. It doesn't directly affect me at the moment but it seems to have ample sources and arguments and I have prior knowledge. So essentially the moral/political/ethical/economic/social factors and implications of allowing a person to end it peacefully.

  23. My topic is "should people under 18 years of age be required to have parental permission to get tattoos and piercings?"
