Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Is it good to be a Loser?

Read the article "Losing is Good for You." 

Do you agree with the author of the article that "nonstop recognition does not inspire children to succeed. Instead, it can cause them to underachieve."? Is too much recognition bad for students? Should we, as a society, focus more on accomplishments or participation/effort?  Use information from the article to support your argument.

Due: Thursday, October 23rd

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Argument Paper

From the list supplied in class, which topic have you selected? What are some research questions you have or information you will need to support your claim? Reminder: You may not select a topic that has already been chosen before you. If you do not select a topic by class on Friday, one will be selected for you! A word of advice-- select a topic you are passionate about!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Read the report published in Newsday last week regarding home ownership and rentals on Long Island. How do you suggest we lessen this problem? (In your response, refer to the Newsday report as well as any other sources that will aid your argument).

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Should We Abolish the Olympics?

Read Should We Abolish the Olympics?. Do you agree or disagree with author David Macaray? Support your argument by referring to specific information in the article.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Money vs. Morals

It is obvious that consumers are responsible for their own decisions. What isn't obvious is the level of responsibility companies have to their consumers. Should companies sole focus be profit, at any "cost" to their consumers? What moral and ethical obligations do they have to their customers? For example, although they CAN (legally), SHOULD (ethically) cigarette or even fast food corporations sell a product that can be detrimental to the health of their consumers?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Advertisements in Schools

“In 1993 District 11 in Colorado Springs started a nationwide trend,” writes Schlosser, “becoming the first public school district in the United States to place ads for Burger King in is hallways and on the sides of its school buses.” (51)? What arguments might be presented in defense of and in opposition to such practices?